Scholarship Program

Here Today for Our Leaders of Tomorrow

Thank you to everyone who applied to the 2023 Scholarship Program! Our 2023 scholars include those honored with our Leader of Tomorrow Awards, Samuel G. O’Kelly Memorial Award, and ZTB Awards. Congratulations to the recipients!

Need more help paying for college? Check out our Student Loan opportunities.

If you know an aspiring college student, look out for the ZTB Scholarship program returning Spring 2024.

  • Disclosure

    * ZTB will award 29 scholarships including (8) $5,000 Leader of Tomorrow Awards, (1) $3,500 Samuel G. O’Kelly Memorial Award, and (20) additional awards of $2,500 each. Applications are accepted March 10 – April 10, 2023. No applications will be accepted after 3 pm CT on April 10. Recipients will be notified May 12, 2023. The student applying must have their own Credit Union membership account in good standing. Students may join the Credit Union and apply for a scholarship at the same time.

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