Student Loan Refinance

Get a $250 cash bonus PLUS no payments and 0% interest for the first 3 months!

We offer student loan refinancing to meet your needs.

Combine multiple education loans (government, private and parent plus) into a single loan with one monthly payment. You've earned your degree, get rewarded with a better interest rate.

It’s easy to save money and lower your payments with:


Low Rates

Variable rates as low as 5.39% APR1.

Fixed rates as low as 5.55% APR2.


Flexible Terms

Flexible repayment terms to fit your budget - select 5, 7, 10 or 15 years (or up to 20 years for Advanced and Medical Degree).


Refinance Options

Consolidate federal and private student loans, including PLUS loans.


No Fees

No application, no origination and no pre-payment penalty fee.

How much could I refinance in student loans?

Answer the questions below to find out.

Is this loan for a Parent Refinance?
What is your highest degree attained?
Loan Amount (max $350k)
Your Annual Income
Based on the information you provided, here's what you can refinance up to in student loans:
Sorry, it looks like you currently do not qualify.

Is Student Loan Refinancing Right For You?

To learn more about your options, schedule an appointment with our Student Loan Refi expert, Amy Auw.

Find My Rate:

Loan Amount Min Degree Attained Income Requirement
$5K - $150K
Bachelors and above
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$150K - $250k
Advanced Degree and Above
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$250K - $350K
Medical Degree
Find My RateApply Now

($5K - $150K)


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*2 years of continuous employment at minimum income and BCU membership required.

Choose which interest rate works best for you:


Variable Rate

As rates rise and fall according to the market index, your monthly payment may change over time.


Fixed Rate

Get a fixed monthly payment with a rate that doesn't change over time.

Student Loan Refinance Calculator

See how much you can save with a new lower rate and term.

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  • Disclosure


    Loans are subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice.

    Student Loan Refinance and underwriting is made available through BCU. Application processing is available from Credit Union Student Choice 
    on behalf of BCU. Loan servicing and repayment is available from University Accounting Service, LLC on behalf of BCU.

    1. Upon approval and funding of your student loan you will receive a cash deposit of $250. The cash deposit will be awarded in the form of a deposit to your Credit Union checking or savings account within 90 business days from the funding date of the loan. Additionally, a minimum loan amount of $10,000 is required to receive this cash deposit. Limited to one cash bonus per member.

    2. Upon disbursement of the loan, no payments will be required and no interest will  accrue during a three-month promotional period. After this three-month promotional period ends, this loan requires full payments of principal and  interest. The repayment term of the loan will begin three months after disbursement, when the promotional period ends. The credit union reserves the right to modify the terms of this offer at any point in the future for new applications.


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