Student Loans

Need a better way to pay for your education?

Let us help finance your education or ease the burden of repaying your current loans.

For those with Credit Union Student Loans, we’re here to assist with your education funding needs during this challenging time.

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Undergraduate Loan

Seeking an undergraduate degree? Fill the funding gap once financial aid, scholarships and grants have been exhausted.

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Graduate Loan

Working toward your graduate degree? Get the loan you need to finance your continued education to further your career.

Circular arrows around a dollar sign

Refinance Loan

Have multiple student loan payments? Save on interest when you combine them into a single, new loan and one monthly payment.

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Resources to help you succeed in college and beyond.

  • Disclosure


    Loans are subject to approval. Rates, terms and conditions subject to change without notice.


    APR = Annual Percentage Rate.


    Student Loans and underwriting is made available through BCU. Application processing is available from Credit Union Student Choice on behalf of BCU. Loan servicing and repayment is available from University Accounting Service, LLC on behalf of BCU.


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