
Free, Ongoing Credit Score, Report and Monitoring from SavvyMoney.

Master your credit standing, with no purchase or credit card required.


Credit confidence

 Never miss a thing with real-time security updates any time your credit file changes.


Daily score updates

Empower your financial decisions by accessing your score anytime and anywhere.

hand holding money

Money-saving offers

 Turn your credit into an engine for financial achievement with personalized savings offers.

New! Keep your credit score front and center.


Tracking your credit score is easier than ever—it can now be displayed right on your Digital Banking daZTBoard. By staying in touch with your score, report and monitoring updates, you put yourself in the best position to truly discover financial freedom.

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 Log in to Digital Banking.

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Look for “Get Your Credit Score” or "Your Credit Score”, then click the button below.

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Sign up and you're all set!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can it help me?

    Tools offered by SavvyMoney include:

    • A free credit score every month
    • Personalized analysis of each component of your score
    • Clear, simple explanations of factors impacting your score
    • Videos and daily articles from personal finance expert Jean Chatzky
  • Is it really free?

    There is no cost to you whatsoever for the SavvyMoney credit score services or products provided by the Credit Union.

  • Is my information safe?

    SavvyMoney uses industry-standard security practices to protect your data.

  • What is SavvyMoney?

    SavvyMoney is the best credit score information service out there if you’re looking to crack the code of credit ratings or learn how the information on your credit reports translates into a score. SavvyMoney will help you cut through the clutter of opinions and sales pitches to get to the facts of how you can use your credit to accomplish your life goals.

  • Does using this affect my credit score?

    Utilizing the services or products offered by SavvyMoney will never directly impact your credit score. When SavvyMoney accesses your credit file information, it results in a “soft inquiry” that doesn’t alter your score in any way.

  • Will the Credit Union honor my SavvyMoney credit score for loan applications?

    While your SavvyMoney credit score may differ from the scores we get from the credit bureaus, our goal is to provide you with the best offer we can. If your SavvyMoney score is different than the score we have, simply print out your score and let us know. We will review your information and determine if there is a better offer we can provide you.

    As it relates to all first mortgage loans (with the exception of a Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit), we cannot use your SavvyMoney credit score for pricing or underwriting consideration. BCU is required to use traditional credit scoring models for first mortgage loans.

  • Will someone else on my Credit Union account be able to view their credit score?

    Joint members on Credit Union accounts now have the ability to access their credit scores through Savvy Money.

  • I'm having a technical issue. What should I do?

    Please contact us.


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