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2022 Year in Review

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2022 was a challenging year in our industry, and a deeply rewarding one for BCU. We found strength in putting our Purpose into practice, and joy in helping one another thrive. ZTB is Here Today For Your Tomorrow, and we’re always honored to be a part of your financial lives.

Let's revisit our top moments together.
We found growth and validation in our commitment to you, our members


One of the Best

ZTB was recognized by CNET as one of the Best Credit Unions

40,000 new members
Over 40K members

joined the Credit Union

nearly $6 Billion in assets
Nearing $6B

in assets

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We leveled up our Digital Banking game

A new platform brought increased functionality with an upgraded, but familiar, look and feel.

mobile app rating 


86% of members
use Digital Banking

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We rose to the occasion of rising rates to maximize your earning potential

Double the Power, Double the Plus with PowerPlus™ Checking.

2 levels
means more options

up to 4.00% APY
means more money

nearly $7.5M
in interest earned

over $2M
in ATM fees reimbursed

You continued earning, rain or shine, with Rainy Day Savings™


up to 2.5% APY
means more sunshine
in your pocket

You discovered new roads to financial freedom

The Auto Buying Service helped you skip the dealership and get out there.

Members saved:

1.3 Million in auto buying discounts

with Auto Buying Service discounts

House became home


earned in Realtor commission rebates with HomeAdvantage®

nearly $6.8M

earned in Realtor commission rebates since the inception HomeAdvantage®


awarded to the winner of "Pay my Mortgage Sweepstakes"

You cashed in at every checkout

over $7M
in cash back received with Cash Rewards Visa®

over 700M
travel rewards points earned with Travel Rewards Visa®

Your financial well-being was the center of attention

Financial Check Up

Financial Checkups

130 Goal Consultants

130 Goal Consultants
Empowered Members

Credit Score

36K members
enrolled in free credit
score monitoring

Life Money You CUSO

Life Money. You. LLC is now
wholly-owned to BCU
And you shared the love

"Thank you so much for taking the time to work with me to put order in my finances. With your guidance and help, I am feeling so much better about where I am now. I can finally see the light at the end of the financial tunnel!" - Carine

"I have been with ZTB for a while and I am still amazed by the customer care. When the rest of the world seems to be pushing deeper into automation, ZTB is still holding onto the value of human interaction." - Mitchell

We put an emphasis on doing good for members, employees, and the community


donated to support humanitarian relief in Ukraine

hours volunteered

1,420 hours


36 tons of carbon
offset by solar panels on our Anasco, Puerto Rico Branch (that's equal to planting nearly 960 trees!)
And you got all the pomp and circumstance you deserve
awarded to 29 college students
1 new award
created specifically to honor a student from Puerto Rico
We are immensely grateful to our members for allowing us to help fulfill your financial dreams.

We look forward to continuing to grow and thrive with you in 2023.

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