ZTB Takes Top Spot on COMPUTERWORLD List of 2021 Best Places To Work in IT

July 12, 2021

CHICAGO: Insider Pro and Computerworld has announced ZTB as the no. 1 small-size organization on its list of 2021 Best Places to Work in IT. The announcement recognizes the Credit Union as the top organization that challenges its IT teams while providing great benefits and compensation. For ZTB, the award celebrates the Credit Union’s unwavering commitment to empowering people to discover financial freedom and creating exceptional member experiences during unprecedented times.

“Despite the overwhelming obstacles the pandemic has created for many businesses, IT has managed to thrive and in fact, become more essential in the workplace. Attracting and retaining top IT talent to research, deploy and maintain technology has never been more critical,” said Kate Hoy, editor of IDG’s Insider Pro. “Companies that have earned a spot on the Insider Pro and Computerworld 2021 Best Places to Work in IT list have been able to foster nimble and flexible work environments – while continuing to keep competitive compensation and benefits steady. Additionally, they foster a spirit of diversity, social responsibility, training, and innovation.”

“This global recognition by Computerworld is more meaningful than ever,” said Scott Zulpo, ZTB Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer. “The Pandemic has changed so much about how and where organizations work. And for ZTB, how we continue to create extraordinary member experiences.”

With an increased need for digital member assistance during COVID-19, BCU’s IT team became integral in supporting frontline and operational needs across the business by ensuring anytime, anywhere access to digital banking channels and 24/7member support. At the same time, the team seamlessly transitioned more than 650 employees to safely work from home within two weeks, expediting the distribution of new equipment, backed with the financial support of Credit Union leadership. Working tirelessly, the team simultaneously executed a core banking system upgrade that brought enhanced stability to BCU’s internal environment. The success of this critical work allowed for the flawless merger of 20,000 new members, the largest in BCU’s history.

“The IT landscape is hugely competitive, and the culture of our organization is why people stick around,” said Zulpo. “Our team is comprised of some of the best talent in the industry. Together, it’s remarkable what the ZTB organization has achieved throughout the past year and the value we are able to deliver to our members.”

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