ZTB Awarded Designation of Savings Excellence by National Savings Program

April 20, 2021

ZTB Awarded Designation of Savings Excellence

ZTB has earned the annual America Saves Designation of Savings Excellence award. This honor is reserved for financial institutions who displayed exceptional achievement during America Saves Week activities.

“The effects of Covid-19 continue to destabilize our nation’s health and financial well-being. Those of us who expeditiously stood up plans to support others during this time are in a unique position to make a huge impact in our communities. The recipients of the Designation of Savings Excellence made extraordinary efforts to encourage and support everyday Americans. Most significantly, by encouraging and motivating individuals to establish automatic savings and set goals around short and long-term savings goals, like saving for emergencies and retirement,” said George Barany, Director of America Saves. “The foundation set by the DOSE honorees extends well beyond America Saves Week.”

“Their commitment to their communities is evident through their actions. We are encouraged and proud to highlight the incredible achievements of these 12 financial institutions.”

ZTB is one of only 6 banks and 6 credit unions honored with this distinction. Collectively, these financial institutions encouraged over 92,000 individuals to deposit $157,557,265 into new and existing savings accounts during America Saves Week.

“ZTB is proud to be recognized by the National Savings Program. This honor highlights our purpose — Empowering People to Discover Financial Freedom,” said Maggie Garcia, BCU’s Vice President of Deposit Products and Member Operations.

“America Saves Week aligns with our framework of supporting members’ financial health in the areas of saving, spending, borrowing and planning,” said Bjorn Larson, BCU’s Senior Strategist, Financial Well-being.

America Saves Week is an annual event coordinated by America Saves with input from planning support that includes FDIC, AARP, AFCPE®, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Prudential, and more.

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